
(Suomeksi) Suomen suurin polkujuoksutapahtuma kuun lopussa Kuusamossa – ”Meillä ei ole aivoissa kauheasti jarruja”

(Suomeksi) Suomen suurin polkujuoksutapahtuma kuun lopussa Kuusamossa – ”Meillä ei ole aivoissa kauheasti jarruja”

(Suomeksi) Maan suosituimmalla vaellusreitillä juostavaan tapahtumaan on ilmoittautunut yli 3500 osallistujaa. Hetken mielijohteesta ilmoittautuvien kaveriporukoiden määrä kasvaa, sanoo tapahtumajohtaja.

NUTS Karhunkierros -polkujuoksu juostaan 28.–29.5.2021

NUTS Karhunkierros -polkujuoksu juostaan 28.–29.5.2021

We apologize for having to wait for more information about “NUTS Karhunkierros 2021”. The events are still under the strict control of the Government and regional state administrative agencies, and the instructions for the month of May have been delayed. Today 6.5. The Regional state administrative agency for northern Finland has published assembly restrictions that…

Carrying on with NUTS Karhunkierros planning

Carrying on with NUTS Karhunkierros planning

The Government issued preliminary information of the exit plan on Wednesday 21st of April and clarifications are expected by the end of April. We will continue to plan a safe event according to the start groups of 50 people. We will notify you when the Government instructs the events in more detail. If you wish,…

NUTS Karhunkierros is canceled

Due to the Covid-19 restrictions set by Finnish Government with the assistance of health care experts, the crowd events of more than 500 participants must be cancelled in Finland in summer 2020. There are no possibilities to organise in a safe way crowd events of more than 500 participants. This means that the NUTS Karhunkierros…