Race Instructions

Start groups

  • 34 km, 55 km and 83 km distances have start groups of approximately 50 persons each. Start groups are needed as there are  bottlenecks like hanging bridges on the route. Mass start would get those bottlenecks very crowded. We want to ensure that you have an open trail ahead of you for an enjoyable running experience!

Bus transport to start line

  • For 34 km, 55 km and 83 km distances it’s possible to reserve a seat on a bus from Ruka to race start line. Reservation can be purchased  when registering. You can also arrive at the start line by your own means – but note that the forest roads near the start lines are narrow and parking spots are sparse so we highly recommend the bus.
  • 166 km and 13 km distance do not have  bus transport available. The start and finish are both at the event center at Ruka.These distances do not have start groups either.


  • When registering you choose your initial start time. Later on in the Spring you get updated information on how to specify your choice.

Details about the bus transportation

  • Transit time is approximately  30 to 45 minutes. When you arrive at the start area follow the instructions given by the announcers and other persons of the staff. Join the next start group – or do your preparations like warming up or going to the toilet before joining a start group.

By purchasing the participation right for your chosen distance, you not only get to compete with fantastic competitors but also receive drink and energy supplies at the aid stations. If you cannot complete the race, we will transport you from the aid stations to the finish line. For participants in the 166 km distance, we transport a “drop bag” from Ruka to the Oulanka Visitor Centre and the turnaround point at Hautajärvi. For the 83 km distance, the transport is from Ruka to the Oulanka Visitor Centre. Participants in other distances can leave their extra warm-up clothes at the starting points to be returned at the finish. At the finish line, you can chat with fellow competitors while enjoying a bowl of soup, and day visitors have access to shower facilities.

Prices include a 10% VAT.

Race Instructions

Pay attention to instructions and rules.

The event has a minimum safety equipment list that should be carried by the contestant, the event organisers have the right to request that the contestant makes themselves available for random equipment checks. The contestant will have a limited time prior to race start to rectify any short falls or be disqualified from the competition.

Preliminary Schedule for NUTS Karhunkierros 2025

08.00 ➞ Start Of 166 kmRuka Village
18.00 ➞Start Of 55 km
50 person starting groups
Oulangan luontokeskus, Liikasenvaarantie 132 Kuusamo
22.00 ➞Start Of 83 km
50 person starting groups
Napapiiri, Karhunkierroksen luontokeskus, Hautajärventie 414 Salla
10.00 ➞ Start Of 34 km
50 person starting groups
Retkietappi, Juumantie 134, Kuusamo (Käylä)
16.00 ➞ Start Of 13 km
250 person starting groups
Ruka Village
The finish line will be closedCut off
166 km = 36 h, Hautajärvi; 16 h
83 km 18 h
55 km 14 h
34 km 10 h

Ruka Village

Address: Rukankyläntie 6, 93830 Kuusamo

Event services at the Race centre:

  • Bib Pickup
  • The 166 km start
  • Finish line
  • The prize ceremony

Bib Pickup

All runners must pickup their bib numbers personally!

You will get bib number and safety pins. Additionally 83 km and 166 km will also get drop bags and aid station stickers.

Drop bags of 166 km and 83 km runners are to be left for the organisers; 166 km runners Friday before 07.30hrs and 83 km runners before Friday 20.00hrs. Please mark your bags with aid station -specific sticker where you want your drop bag taken to. Drop bags will be returned back to Ruka by 18.00hrs on Saturday evening.

Read more here.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us at info@nuts.fi or call to +358 40 6605 280 / Eppu.

  • 166 km Ruka – Arctic Circle – Ruka
  • 83 km Arctic Circle – Ruka
  • 55 km Oulanka – Ruka
  • 34 km Juuma – Ruka

Trail follows well marked hiking path of the Karhunkierros trail and is marked with “Karhunkierros” and kilometer signs. In addition to those two, there are also orange markings on the trees. Race organisation will add some 3000 extra markings on the trail.

Tapahtuman reittimerkit näyttävät tältä. | Course signs by NUTS Ⓒ Niina Matturi
Metsähallituksen merkit reitillä kertovat kilometrit. | Kilometer signs by The official Karhunkierros route Ⓒ Niina Matturi
  •  mandatory
  • advisable

You must carry all the mandatory equipment from the start to finish.

Possible equipment checks for the 83km & 166km runners at the Oulanka aid station. Other distances will have random inspections.

Trekking poles must be carried all the way and they are not allowed in the drop bags!

13 km

We give you

  • Bib – must be visible on the front side of the runner, provided by the Bib Pickup, bib number does have the timing chip!

Bring along

  • Working and fully charged mobile phone protected from water with race emergency phone number +358 40 6605 281 saved
  • Elastic adhesive bandage – packed water tight (min. 6cm x 100cm)
  • Water cup & spork – to prevent wastage there are no disposable cups at the aid stations

Series 34–166 km

We give you

  • Bib – must be visible on the front side of the runner, provided by the Bib Pickup, bib number does have the timing chip!
  • GPS transmitter – you will get it from the Bib Pickup (available for approx. hundred runners)

Bring along

  • Working and fully charged mobile phone protected from water with race emergency phone number +358 40 6605 281 saved
  • Elastic adhesive bandage – packed water tight (min. 6cm x 100cm)
  • Water bottle or a hydration reservoir – minimum capacity of 1 litre
  • Emergency blanket
  • Whistle
  • Water cup & spork – to prevent wastage there are no disposable cups at the aid stations
  • Emergency rations – at least 250kcal
  • Headlamp – it will be quite light also at the night if the sky is clear, but on cloudy weather you will need a lamp for reading signs and map
  • Salt – very good aid in case of stomach problems
  • Blister patches, sports tape
  • Toilet paper
  • Waterproof shell jacket
  • Poles / telescopic sticks – If you decide to use poles, they are to be carried throughout the whole race. No poles will be allowed in spare bags.

In addition 83 km

  • Waterproof shell jacket (water column value min. 10000mm on Schmerber scale)
  • Gloves (highly recommended to have)

In addition 166 km

  • Headlamp – it will be quite light also during the night if the sky is clear, but on cloudy weather you will need a lamp for reading the trail signs and map
  • Waterproof shell jacket (water column value min. 10000mm on Schmerber scale)
  • Gloves (highly recommended to have)

We recommend to use energy gels with closable caps or to squeeze your energy gels beforehand in to small resealable bottles. Please dispose your garbage at the aid stations or the garbage bins at the Race Center.

Place34 km55 km83 km166 kmInterCumul 34 kmCumul 55 kmCumul 83 kmCumul 166 kmCut Off
Oulangan luontokeskus 31,955,5
Napapiirin Huolto / Arctic Circle Aid Station 27,4082,9
Oulangan luontokeskus 27,4027,4110,3
Juuman kylä-0---
Ruka Finish6,733,655,582,9165,8

Water, sport drinks, salty and sweet snacks are available at all aid stations. We have taken care of at least vegans, gluten frees and those allergic to chocolate at all aid stations. Please make sure you have informed us from possible allergies on registration.

There are toilets here and there along the way but please bring your own toilet paper in case that it has ran out.

Spare bags: 166 km runners can send spare bags to Hautajärvi and Oulanka where 83 km runners can spare bag to Oulanka. You must bring your bags to the Bib Pickup in advance; 166 km Friday before 07.30 hrs and 83 km runners Friday before 20.00hrs. Please mark your bags clearly with your name, bib number and also with the name of the aid station you want your spare bag taken to. Bags will be returned back to Ruka by 18.00hrs on Saturday evening. No poles will be allowed in spare bags.

Use of external aid is only allowed at the official Aid Stations.

Excessive gear and clothing needed by 83 km runners: In case you need any extra gear or clothing at Hautajärvi starting point, race organiser will transfer them back to Ruka. Kindly mark your belongings properly with your name and a bib number; loose jackets and/or pants might get dirty so pack all items that are to be transferred to plastic bags etc.

The most common problems are blisters, abrasions, injuries caused after falling and fatigue after running out of energy and dehydration. There is always a risk of hypothermia after your speed gets slow or you must stop. Prepare yourself so that you can help yourself and get to an aid station or to the nearest shelter. It is absolutely mandatory to help others in need. If any of the fellow runners seem to have troubles please ask his/her condition.

In a case of emergency during the run please call to the race’s emergency duty phone.

You must carry a mobile phone in case for any help (for you or for fellow runners). Race organiser can also call you to ask for help for other runners or to check your status. Even tough everything is OK with you when emergency duty number calls – please answer!

If you decide to quit, please do so only at the aid stations from where you will be guided to the nearest road for a pick up. Note out that even if you did quit, you may have to walk several kilometres to reach the transportation. If you are not able to move, evacuation will be carried out by a rescue helicopter through National Emergency Services. Prepare for several hours of waiting!

In case of serious accidents call public emergency number 112 first and ask for help. After that, contact the race’s emergency duty phone +358 40 6605 281 – you can find your coordinates from the kilometer signs of the trail!

Participants must take care of their own insurance policy.

Important notice:

  • There is a chance that there’s still some snow at national park and rivers might be flooding! Please pay extra attention when crossing rivers or streams.
  • Even on May, temperature might go down to zero degrees or below.
  • Please be extra careful when crossing roads.
  • If you decide to drink from the streams or rivers it is on your own responsibility!
  • The route runs through the Oulanka National Park so you must stay on the trail!
  • Littering is absolutely prohibited!
  • If you decide to discontinue it is only possible at the Hautajärvi, Oulanka, Juuma and Konttainen -aid stations.
  • The trail is demanding because of steep ups and downhills, slippery roots, muddy areas and stones.
  • Crossing suspension bridges should be done one by one at the walking pace.
  • In a case of sprained ankle remember RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  • Remember to drink enough and do not forget electrolytes.
  • All the runners and their actions will make the race safe for everyone! Be safe and take care of your fellow runners.

Light snack is available at the finishing area until midnight.

Details regarding the award ceremony, including time and location, will be announced closer to the event date.

Runner can be disqualified if

  • Littering
  • Unethical behaviour
  • Using external aid outside of the aid stations
  • Not helping fellow runners in need
  • Missing compulsory gear. Race steward may carry out inspections along the route to check your equipment.
  • Taking the short cut
  • Not visiting all of the aid stations
  • Cut offs Finish line will be closed on Saturday at 24.00 hrs.
    166 km = 36 h, Hautajärvi 16 h
    83 km 18 h
    55 km 14 h
    34 km 10 h


The organiser reserves the right to make changes. Please follow this page for additional information.